That's right! MM
has finally created an index just for the Dragons she adopts. Ain't it
beautimus! Heh...well as always it's undergoing constant change. Should
I get more dragons or just think of a better background I'll be changing
things -.-; But anyway! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed taking
care of my dragons.
from The Keltic Rose Isle
first Glenn Dragon, Xegony. She's a Cerulean Blue Air dragon with
her white Chesmu guardian, Quellious. Xegony is now working hard
on her Breath Weapon. She also has a mate, his name is Lex.
Second Glen Dragon, Druzzil Ro. She's a white fire dragon with her
green Chesmu Guardian Brell Serilis. She's grown into a very fine
fire dragon, and is now applying for breath weapons. She has found
a fine mate in Benzgion.
a beautiful peace loving woman, is living by herself on a periless
island. She's kept a spot of the island lovely, and adopted a Baiton
egg, E'ci, in hopes to some day raise a dragon there. Her hopes
are now realized, and the true adventure begins as she tends to
and begins raising the dragon she's adopted.
from the Zehpr Dragon Cliffs
has created a portal to a seperate demension, in hopes of rasing
a Zephr Dragon in a beautiful and peaceful environment.
again, many thanks to the people at the Keltic Rose
Isle adoption agency. This site make it possible to have so much fun with
the Glenn Dragons.

of my gaurdians were adopted from Amanda's Castle
