The suns setting.....and you're lost. You had been so sure of the way too! You sigh as you look around, trying to find something, anything that might seem like a familiar land mark. You spin as you hear a twig break....nothing...that could've been anything though. Anything...from a beaver to ...a wolf. Though beavers wouldn't generally be too far from a stream. "Who goes there?!" You
hear a strange voice say. You almost want to laugh, as it's obvious that
whoever this female voice belongs to is trying to sound tough. And is
failing miserably. You stifle your giggles and turn around trying to find
who's talking.
"Hello, my name is {::insert your name here::}. Do you know the way back to...civilization?" You ask with a hopeful smile. She nods. "Yes. Though I must confess you're heading in the opposite direction." You droop slightly. "I'm Yajuu. I'll point you in the right direction." "How far away is the town?" you ask anxiously. "About a mile." Yajuu answers. "A mile hm...Where do you live?" "What do you care?" you blink. "Just wondering what a woman's doing out here all by herself." "I'm not a woman, I'm a wood elf." You blink again. "I see. So why are you so far out?" She smiles slightly. "I'm protecting my treasure." She says. Treasure hm.... "What type of treasure?" Yajuu looks around and sighs, seeing the sun going down. "You should be more worried about where you're going to camp." "Would I be too bold in asking you for shelter?" She looks you up and down sizing you up. "Don't suppose it'll hurt." she said. She sighs and turns away from town. "....Isn't that the opposite way of the town?" "Yes. I don't live anywhere near the town." You decide to stay quiet...this woman seems somewhat temperamental...After walking for five minutes you come upon a clearing near a small waterfall. "You...don't have a home?" "What are you talkin' about?" she says with a crooked smile, gesturing with her staff towards the rocky frame of the waterfall. That's when you see it. An opening maybe three yards away from the river's edge. The opening isn't that small either...It's just effectively covered by branches. "You live in a cave?" "You make it sound terrible." "It's what normal people would consider terrible." "Normal people will never be anything other than normal." You shrug just as a big black wolf comes out of the cave. It looks at you skeptically. "Don't worry." Yajuu said as she sees the look on your face. "That's just Kaazat." "...Nice Kaazat..." Kaazat eyes you and sneezes. Yajuu smiles. "He helps me guard my treasure." she reports, walking into the cave. "You still haven't told me what this treasure is." you say, following her, hoping she takes the hint. "Maybe some time. I'm thinking of moving out....getting a bigger place." "Bigger? Isn't it big enough?" you ask, looking all around you. The cavern seems big enough to fit a giant in it. "No....It's going to have to be a whole lot bigger...." "Gathering
more treasure?" Yajuu smiles and nods. "Well, guess that's good for you..." She smiles, seeming to soften over time. "You can sleep in the front of the cave, in the hammock. It's more comfortable." "I don't want to put you out." "Trust
me, you won't." she says smiling. You toss and turn all night. Sure the hammock's comfortable, but that's not the problem. The problem is your imagination. This girl's obviously hiding something and it's something big! Half of you--the sensible half--tells you to stay put, it's none of your business. The other half is begging you to creep around the corner. Who'll know? You sigh. This is ridiculous. You're not getting any sleep anyway. You might as well go see. As quietly as you can, you get up and sneak around. The cave's pretty big. As you edge along the wall you can't help but wonder why Yajuu would want a bigger one... Finally
you peak around the corner. For such a dark cave, the "room"
There are also various forms of trinkets and treasure all over the place, from gold to rings and items that might be considered valuable. Separate they would be somewhat valuable. Together they probably are worth a fortune. You step forward a bit more boldly, looking around at different things. That's when it happens. You don't know what it is, but you trip over something, and fall flat on your face, none too gracefully. Yajuu jumps, grabbing her staff from behind her back. She sees it's you and sighs, blowing her bangs off her face. "Couldn't stand it, could you?" She asks seeming mildly annoyed. You chuckle nervously. "Nope, not at all..." you pick yourself up and look around. "So this is your treasure." "No. It's just a nice birthday present...for my treasure." you blink. "The truth is...I'm trying to adopt a Glen Dragon from Keltic Rose Isle." Yajuu confesses. "I've just been trying to get everything ready for her...or him." "So that's why you said you needed a bigger cave..." you say, thinking out loud. "...what's Keltic Isle?" Yajuu smiles. "It's a dragon adoption organization." she says. "....Dragon adoption?" you say skeptically. "I didn't know there was such a place...aren't dragons dangerous?" "I suppose it's just like people. Some people are just as dangerous as dragons can be. They also have Chesmus." "What's a Chesmu?" you ask. "...just think of it as a miniature dragon . Like a Drake." "So, your treasure isn't in all this...this is just for the dragon and his chesmu." you say looking at all the treasure. "Yeah." "So when is your dragon arriving?" "That is something I don't know...I visit the Keltic Isle and the Rose Caverns almost every day, hoping they'll have a clutch....and they'll approve of the home I've made for them....it's not like this is something that can be rushed." She says with a smile. "How many dragons are you adopting?" "One...for now. I'm not sure if you're allowed more than one.....but ....well, after I've raised one...well see." "Do you mind if I stick around?" "....why?" "The arrival of a baby dragon sounds like something to see. I won't tell anyone where you are, and I'll try to help contribute." "It would be nice to have some company." "Good. This should be interesting." "Do you think you could sleep now?" "....Yeah..."
you say sheepishly. You sit by Kaazat while Yajuu starts suiting up. "You're sure you don't want me to go with you?" you ask. Yajuu nods. "Positive. Kaazat will stay here to make sure you're alright and I've made the trek a few times before. Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky this time." "For your sake I hope you're right." You say with a smile. "Which will you get first, the dragon egg or the Chesmu egg?" "Doesn't matter to me. Either or both will be fine." Yajuu says putting on her leather cap. For some reason you've come to notice that that's a symbol of all business. Whenever her hair is down she's a lot more open than when the caps on. "I'll see you later. Depending on what news I get it might be later tonight or tomorrow." "Be safe, friend." You say as the both of you clasp hands. She smiles. "I'll
try." Yajuu turns to her wolf companion. "Take care of the place,
Kaazat." With that, she slings a back pack over her shoulder and
walks off into the forrest. The day is long. You never did like waiting. It's even worse now. You follow Kaazat around, looking for things to do. You sprouse up the nest--something you never envisioned yourself doing for any reason--you walk around gathering fire wood, then you proceed to build a fire. The sun is starting to set. You sigh and sit at the cave's entrance. You hope Yajuu's lateness is due to receiving an egg, and being a cautions mother hen. But of course you can vividly see all the other things that could be keeping her. Then it happens. You see something in the distance. It looks like just a small amount of light, moving around. Kaazat, who has been at your side all day, looks up and observes it as well. Finally the black wolf gets up and trots out a few feet, to get a better look. The light moves forward seeming to take forever. "Hey, ya'll. Did you miss me?" You hear Yajuu say. You sigh. "What took so long?" You ask. She finally comes into sight. "Had to package my cargo carefully." She says. That's when you notice, her back pack ...isn't on her back. She's strapped it around the front. "You mean you were successful?" You say with a grin. She smiles.
"A little small isn't it?" you say skeptically. "It's just the right size for a Chesmu." "Ah, so you got a Chesmu egg first." "Yes, they seem to have an abundance of them." She smiles down at the Chesmu egg. "Come on, lets place it in the nest." You nod following her into the nesting area. "Do you know if this environment is right for the Chesmu?" You ask. "They can adapt to any environment, as long as they have company or something to protect." She says as she places the little egg in the huge nest. "Well, it'll be warm enough here." you say with a grin on your face. "And it'll make a great companion for me, Kaazat and our dragon." She says looking at it almost blissfully. "Oh, I brought us some food." she says seeming to snap out of it. She searches through a few of her other small bags till she brings out several portions of rabbit meat and fruits. "Foraging is such a wonderful thing." she says "Aye, if you're a vegetarian." you say wryly. "It
helped me to find the rabbit meat as well, though usually Kaazat is the
only one that eats it. Come on, lets eat." Dinner was interesting. Yajuu was almost bubbly. She seems to take responsibility very well. Now, everyone is full, and the small party sits looking at the night sky. "Hey Yajuu." "Hm?" "The mountains...they seem to be ....well I mean it's night time and they're glowing almost. It's like the sun's shining on them." "Oh, this place used to be home to many enchanting creatures. Faeries, pixies, and the like. Now it's a bit more scarce, but the mountains still seem to glow as if the fare folk still inhabit this place." "Wow. Sounds like an ideal place to raise any mythological creature." Yajuu smiles. "It's why I chose to stay here. Normal people don't come here. They're afraid to be caught in a faery ring or whatever. It's perfect." She looks around and sighs contently. "Well, I'm going to sleep." "I wont be too long." you say as she walks into the nesting area. You hear a sound of acknowledgement. You stay looking at the stars for quiet a while. You finally pick yourself up and walk into the nesting area. You can't help but smile as you see Yajuu curled up in the nest with the egg cradled in between the palms of her hands. Ah
well, tomorrow will be a new day. You quietly turn around and situate
yourself in the hammock. Wonder what tomorrow will bring. You stretch after depositing the wood in it's assorted place. Yajuu had gone off yesterday afternoon to Keltic Isle again to check and see if there were any eggs available. She'd given you strict instructions on taking care of the Chesmu egg. Kaazat barely moved from the nesting room. She should be back any time now... She had told you before she left that the Chesmu's aged in cycles of three days. If she wasn't back soon, she wouldn't see it hatch. "And this is how I find you?" you jump as you hear her voice. "Where have you been?" She smiles. "Sneaking up on you. You were so lost in thought staring at the fire wood I couldn't help myself." She says with that goofy grin on her face. "With the mood you're in, and a look like that on your face, then there must be good news." "Sort of. They have a clutch of six eggs available. But they must place them all in proper homes. In other words, they'll get back to me" she reports. "That's a bit depressing." you say skeptically. "Not really. Now that I have the Chesmu egg, I'm more comfortable. I do want a dragon...desperately, but at least I'll have something to help ease my mind for a while." you nod. "Tell me a bit more about Chesmus." "Well, when it hatches we'll have to take good care of it. Lots of love and sleep will be in order. But when it grows into a pup, we'll have to watch it every second. They can't fly you see, so they crawl around. And they're very curious at that stage. They'll get into just about everything." you nod. "Good thing it'll grow into an adult in only three days." you say with a sigh. "Yes. They say that's usually when they calm down." "Usually?" "Well that all depends on the little things personality. If it has a natural curious side then it'll probably remain curious." Yajuu says, sauntering into the nesting room. "Hey Kaazat how's things goin?" she asks the wolf. "Other than the egg getting a lot bigger nothing." "Wow...you're right. It's almost bigger than my fist." Yajuu say knelling down, peering into the nest. "Glad I got here now. Might've missed it other wise." she says smiling. Finally she remembers you and looks back up at you. "Any chores that need to be done?" "Not really, to tell the truth." "You mean I have to wait in suspense, with nothing to do?" Yajuu says in a almost cute tone. You chuckle and nod. "Ah well, I would rather sit and stare at the egg anyway." "You
might burn a hole through it that way." you say. Yajuu sticks her
tongue out at you and sits Indian style near the nest. She sets her staff
down and now it's a party of two watching the egg. Three if you count
Kaazat. Two hours passed. And they were the longest two hours you ever remembered. For the first hour Yajuu just sat there staring at the egg. As if her penetrating gaze would cause the Chesmu to hatch. But then, after her long journey, her stomach decided that the egg wasn't all too important for the moment. So Yajuu began to eat a bit, leaving Kaazat to watch over the egg. You and Yajuu are sitting against the wall of the cave munching when Kaazat begins to bark. Yajuu gets up hurriedly and rushes to the back. Sure enough the egg is beginning to move.
Yajuu gathers up all the shell fragments and puts them in a pouch of hers. Then she carefully picks up the Chesmu in her cupped hands and cleans it off gently. After what seems like forever she finally approves of the cleaning job and holds the small animal to against her cheek. "What are you going to call it?" you ask, finally breaking the silence. Yajuu seems thoughtful for a moment looking down at the tiny sleeping creature. "Quellious." She says finally. You blink. "Quellious? Where's that come from?" "It's the name for the ancient goddess of tranquility. She seems so small and peaceful now..." "Give it a few days. Three to be exact.....that reminds me. Are you going to go to the Keltic Isle again?" Yajuu shakes her head. "No. Quellious needs me now, more than she ever will." You nod, then become pensive. "So...you're not going to leave me alone with it whenever it turns into a pup are you....I mean you said those things can be trouble...right?" Yajuu grins. "That's exactly why I refuse to leave. The Keltic Isle organization will understand. They breed Chesmus after all." With that, Yajuu takes a soft cloak from the pile of treasures and slowly wraps it in a circle inside the nest. Then she carefully places little Quellious inside. "There, that'll keep her warm and comfortable for a while." "You're going to spoil Quellious, aren't you?" you ask with a wry grin, already knowing the answer. "Of
course." Yajuu says. With that, she takes up her food and sits by
the nest watching over Quellious, like a mother hen. You're somewhere between asleep and awake, just about to wake up. You feel something poking at you. You try to ignore it but slowly the poking gets more intensive.
"She's growing very quickly..." you say in a half awake voice. "Well, I told you she would. And I did mention this would be like the terrible twos." After a moment of wandering around on your chest, little Quellious crawls down and away, uninterested. "Why'd you name her Quellious again?" you ask. "....after the child goddess of peace and tranquility...." you crack a grin at Yajuu's expression. "Well she was pretty peaceful...while she was a hatchling." you remark, watching little Quellious scurry around the cave. "I've been taking her out more, and farther. It seems to be satisfying her. Besides I haven't showed her everything yet. She seems content to explore, and memorize the cave." "She must feel at home." You say as Yajuu bends down to stop Quellious from chewing on a rock. "She'll be a full grown adult soon." Yajuu says, depositing Quellious on the soft grass just outside the mouth of the cave. Quellious looks around and finds a flower to bat at. "...Will she eat that?" you ask. "At this point there are only a few things she won't try to eat." Yajuu responds, not taking her eyes off the pup. "No wonder you've been following her around." "I've been teaching her what she can have and what she can't. Some plants and flowers are fine and dandy, but others are poisonous." "Right....how much longer till she's an adult?" Yajuu chuckles. "Just a few more days....you'll see. She'll grow quickly." You sigh. "I'll
be counting the days." Three
days pass. It seems to take forever for Quellious to become an adult.
And once again Yajuu was on her way to the Keltic Isle. "You think they'll allow you to keep a dragon?" you ask as she gathers up her provisions. "As always, I don't know. It's not so much weather I've got a good home for one, but there are only a few." you nodd. "But, it'll be ok. I have Quellious and Kaazat to watch over me and the treasures. We'll just have to wait for the right time." "Suppose it is best to keep a good attitude." you say. "Exactally. So I'll head out once more, if they tell me they don't have an egg for me I'll head right back. We can keep saving up on the hoard for the dragon till the time when we can get an egg." Yajuu said smiling as she grabbed her staff. "I'll stay till you get back." You say. "I'm
glad. I'll return as soon as I can." She says, bending down to kiss
the top of Quellious's head. "Take care of each other while I'm gone."
Kaazat, knowing his role aready, was calm and resigned to his task. Quellious
squeaked and chirped excitedly, always open to new experiences. "See
you soon." Yajuu says, finally walking away. You attend to various tasks as the time passes. Though with Quellious around it's not so boring. Though the Chesmu is somewhat annoying in constantly asking when Yajuu will be back. "I don't know." You keep answering. "But shouldn't she be back by now?" Quellious would ask. "It all depends on what news she gets." You reply. Hours pass. Quellious realizes that asking every 45 minutes about Yajuu isn't working so she moves on to other questions. Where do dragons come from? Why's the sky blue? If the world is round, how do people on the bottom stand up? You sigh with releif as you see a figure walking towards you. You point out at the silouette and ask Quellious to go and check out whoever it is. After seeing the Chesmu perch itself on the intruder's shoulders, you assume it's gotta be Yajuu. "Finally!" you say as she gets closer. Then you notice she seems a bit weighted down. "You need some help?" "Just help me get the back pack off." She says. You take one of the straps and are surpised how heavy it is. "I'm assuming you were successful?"
"My God!" you say staring at it. Yajuu places the egg neatly in the nest and wraps the scarf around it. Then she places the hay and leaves she gathered from her backpack and pace it around the egg as well. Quellious flies around it, inspecting it and sometimes nuzzeling against it."Well it'll be a very warm egg." "We have to keep it warm and watch it all the time." You blink. "...That sounds....tedious...How long before it hatches?" "...Two Weeks..." "Two weeks....wow...ok then." "Maybe we should gather extra provisions that way we wont have to leave the nest room so often..." Yajuu says, thinking outloud. "Sounds like a plan...I'll go out and gather some now, and then you go after me and that way we'll have twice as much as we need." "Good idea. We can keep doing that too." Yauu nods. "OK
then I'm off." you say getting up and walking out of the cave. "It's
gonna be a long two weeks..." you say looking back at the cave once
more before heading out. Waiting is something that you were never good at. And as the hours, days and eventually weeks pass by, you remember how much you hate it all over again. But it wasn't the waiting around tending to the nest that was the worst...oh no...it was the waiting around on the day the egg was supposed to hatch. As Yajuu, Quellious and Kaazat sit by the nest, watching the egg, each from a different angel, you realize you're the only one willing to actually walk around....You attend to various chores. Yajuu had been hunting longer and piling up food for the hatchling, for whenever it would hatch. So all you have to worry about is food for everyone else. After you finish you walk back into the nesting room and sit. "Anything happen yet?" you ask. "Not yet." Yajuu says with a sigh. Quellious moves from his station and climbs up into the nest, peering at the egg. "What is it?" you ask. "It's moving." Quellious says. Yajuu gets up and carefully picks up Quellious. "We'll
probably need to give it room." She says in explanation. Sure enough
the egg moves slightly. Not rolling around just jiggling really. Finally
a little pointed nose pokes through the egg. Yajuu gasps, and reaches
down with her free hand to peel some of the shell away. "She must be tired...." You say, as the hatchling simply lays there. "Dragons are much like Chesmus in their hatchling stage. She'll stay in the nest resting most of the time." "...Do Dragons take after Chesmus in any of the other stages?" Yajuu laughs. "If you mean will this one be as curious as a Chesmu pup, the answer is probably at some point yes!" Yajuu says laughing. "For now, she'll need love, attention, food and rest." Yajuu says smiling down at the little hatchling. "Not to mention, a Name." you say. Yajuu blinks. "Xegony...." "After yet another deity?" you ask. "Xegony's the only nice female deity that I can think of. There's Druzzil Ro, but I like the sound of Queen of Air better than Matron of the Arts." Yajuu says with a smile. You chuckle. "Ok then. Xegony. It does have a nice ring to it. OK now explain to me again how the cycle goes?" "First the egg, then hatchling, then Dragonets, then Adolescents, then Adult. Dragonets are like seven-year-olds, Adolescents are like teenagers." "God help us." you say shaking your head. "It's almost like having kids." "Well that's why it's called 'Adopting' you know. You take it in as your own." "You mean we'll have to put up with a punk dragon teenager?" Yajuu laughs. "Not exactly how I would've worded it but yes. But we don't have to worry about that for another...four weeks." "Good to know." "Come
on, let's feed her, and then let her rest for a while." It takes a while for Yajuu to tear herself away from the new little hatchling. You can't really blame her, she's waited this long just to have one. Besides it's not like Xegony doesn't need to be doted on. Finally after Yajuu's sung her to sleep, she tip toes over and sits by you near the entrance to the cave. "So, have you found any bigger caves lately?" you ask in a hushed voice. "I still don't see why you think you'd need a bigger one." "Actually I did find something bigger, but I've decided that I'm going to wait till Xegony is old enough, or for that matter too big for this cave, then I'll ask if she wants me to move with her or if she'd rather just live in the forest or the mountains." Yajuu says. "It's totally and completely up to her. She can live in the lake, and if she turns out to be a water dragon she probably would. I'm always going to be close by, make no mistake of that." You nod. "I figured you had it all planed out." you say. "What about you, hm, what are you planning?" "Guess I'll just stick around here. I mean I've stayed too long to leave already. When I decided to stay for Quellious, I realized that. Now I've got to find out what type of Dragon Xegony will grow into." Yajuu smiles. "That's
good. It's nice to have some company around." The two weeks had passed. Little Xegony wasn't so little any more. She was now in her Dragonet stage. As a hatchling, Xegony wasn't too active at all. Yajuu would often take out large sheets and bundle them together making a sort of soft make shift nest. Yajuu would take Xegony and put her in the nest and set the nest outside. Yajuu claimed it was so she'd get fresh air. The truth was Yajuu didn't like letting the hatchling out of her sight too long. As
a hatchling, Xegony did little else but sleep and eat. Now, Xegony was
much more Yajuu
is often out taking Xegony all over the mountains and forest. She's taught
Xegony to swim, though the little Dragonet is a bit wary of the water.
Xegony often "Hey there." you say. "Hi." Yajuu says, walking up and sitting beside you against the side of the cave. Xegony and Quellious sit on the soft grass. "Find anything new?" you ask. "I like the valley." Xegony says with a sigh. "Why?" you ask. "Cause it's airy and open, and big breezes come through with fresh air. And there's all sorts of flowers growing everywhere!" "We all love the valley. Mostly for the same reasons." Yajuu says smiling. "Have you thought about what we talked about?" She asks. Xegony looks a little sad but nods. "Yes." "You wont be able to fit in the cave for much longer. You're growing more and more each day." Yajuu says smiling. "We really aught to look into finding a bigger cave." "There's one I remember." Quellious says. "It's higher up on the mountain, but it's very big, and not really that hard to get to." "Should we all go look now?" you ask. Yajuu thinks for a moment. "We might as well. Xegony's wings may not be able to support her but she's actually a very good climber." "Alright
then, Quellious, lead the way." you say. The cave was actually pretty higher up from Yajuu's cave. The climb wasn't really that bad since the mountains aren't too steep. You all made it safely though, and that's what's important. "This is really big..." Xegony says, staring up at the walls of the cave in awe. "It's perfect..." Yajuu says, walking around. "We can put your hoard back there and I'll sling up a hammock up in front here." "You're going to move in too?" you ask. "Well, yes. At least till Xegony's an adult. Even as an Adolescent she'll still need me, whether she admits it or not." Yajuu says with a smile. "Suppose you're right." you say with a chuckle. "As soon as you're ready, Xegony, we'll move everything up here." Quellious says happily. "Will I be ready as a Adellesent....?" "Adolescent." Yajuu corrects gently. "And maybe. We'll see. At the least you'll have grown into those wings of yours." Xegony smiles at the thought. "We'll
start moving things in then, and that way when you are ready, it'll be
all prepared for you." You say. Slowly but surely the move began. And slowly but surely Xegony's entire hoard was in place, and just in time too. Xegony had indeed grown into her wings. She was now an ![]() "So," you ask as you and Yajuu sit outside Xegony's cave, watching the dragon fly around with her Chesmu companion, "do we know what type she is yet?" Yajuu looks at you and then looks at Xegony flying circles around Quellious. ![]() "Air." "You think she's an air dragon?" "Yeah. Her wings are getting bigger and bigger, and her body's getting thinner. Perfect for an air dragon. Plus she just loves high places and flying..." "Yeah I guess that does make sense." "Hey,
Xegony, honey? Come land and help us to the valley would ya?" "Aw,
do I have to?" The young dragon complains. "It'll
only take you a second, Xeg." "Oh,
alright." Xegony says with a slight sigh, landing near the two of
you. "You
did grow into those wings didn't you?" You ask with a smile. Xegony
sighs and nods, while you and Yajuu clime on her back. "Alright
now, no unnecessary twist turns or loops you hear?" Yajuu says. Xegony
smiles. "I
thought you weren't afraid of heights." Quellious says. "I'm
not, I'm afraid of falling though." "I
wish I would've had these when I was little." Xegony says as she
lifts off and sails through the air. "If
you would've had them when you were a hatchling it wouldn't have done
you much good. You slept most of the time." Yajuu says. "And
you were some what clumsy as a dragonet." Quellious reminds. "Oh
I know. But still I love it so much." Yajuu nods as Xegony lands. "Well,
it's a good thing, 'cause otherwise you might not like the cave we got
you way up there." Xegony nods with a slight giggle. "I
guess you're right." Xegony concedes. "Well, if you don't mind,
I think I'll fly about a bit more." "I
don't mind. Just don't go near the villages." Yajuu says, much like
a protective mother. "Don't
worry, I'll take care of her." Quellious says puffing her chest out. "Alright.
Go on then." Yajuu says with a smile. "Bye!"
Xegony and Quellious sing out as they take off again. "Their
a good girls." Yajuu says watching the two leave. You nod watching
as well. "Yeah,
yeah they are."
"How can you be so happy climbing?" you ask in near annoyance. "No wait...I know. You're going to see Xegony." "What's all the ruckes?" Xegony asks as she comes out of her cave. She has grown to her full size and she's quite a magnificant being to behold. Now you realize why you wanted to stick it out to the end.
"Oh? Any news?" Xegony asks. "Yes." you say. "I've decided to accompiny Yajuu on her next trip." "Oh good," Quellious says. "Yes. We might've worried about Yajuu if she had gone off alone." Xegony finishes. "Worried indeed. I'll have you know I got on just fine by myself when you weren't around." Yajuu scolded. "Yeah but we still would've worried." Quellious says impishly. "So what now?" You ask. "Now, we find another place to stay." Yajuu says. "That way we're not crowding these two. And then there's the other reason." "What other reason?" Xegony asks. "You're going to be learning breath weapons soon. I don't want to be too close when that happns." Yajuu jokes. "Really?" you ask. "I wouldn't mind seeing how that goes." "Well, we wont be that far away. And we're going to visit. Quellious will when Xegony can't so that I wont worry." Yajuu informs. "Right." Quellious says. "And I'll expect personal updates on how the training is going." "Yes mom." Xegony says. Yajuu sighs. "Alright then. Good luck with your training...I'm going to miss not seeing you ever day." "Ah you'll see more of her than you want and then you'll be happy when she leaves." you joke. Yajuu sighs again. "Alright let's get this show on the road." she says. She leans up and kisses first Xegony then Qullious on the head. And you both proceed to climb down. After you've gotten all your stuff together and are at the base of the mountian you look at Yajuu and say. "Couldn't Xegony have flown us to where ever we're going?" "If she would've it would've been harder on me. Besides she has to hurry her tail over to those elder dragons. Besides we have another job to attend to." Yajuu says with a wink as she leads you away.
Hoard |